Après avoir achevé la construction d'une maison d'habitation à Poznan, l'agence polonaise Ultra Architects a utilisé les matériaux restant pour créer cette maison pour enfant. En forme de maison archétypale, cet espace de jeu de 6 mètres carrés s'inspire de la "Rudin House" d'Herzog et De Meuron.

La "Maja's House" a été imaginée par les architectes polonais Marcin Kosciuch, Tomasz Osieglowsky, associés à Adriana Ronzewska et Agata Ostrowska.

Sur la Maja's House, Ultra Architects précisent:

"This project was a great experience. After the construction of a house, there were some wooden elevation boards left, so we were asked to design a so-called tree house for a little girl named Maja. Unfortunately, none of the trees on the plot was suitable for this. The only place good enough for the small house was the top of an earth mound that appeared on the edge of the garden during the construction of the main house. As architects, we obviously tried to educate our “developer”. But Maja is only 6 years old and she thinks about a house archetypically: she always draws it with a chimney, a window and a huge gabled roof. Finally we decided to give her a copy of the best known contemporary house with an archetypical form - the Rudin House of J.Herzog & P. de Meuron. The most important issue we focused on while designing was the houses ventilation. The floor is an open-work, the side walls can be completely opened and the chimneys are there not only for decoration, but also for ventilation".

Pour en savoir plus, visitez le site d'Ultra Architects.

Sources: Judit Bellostes & Bryla

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Coup de coeur !