A East Otto aux Etats-Unis, Christopher Romano, Nick Bruscia, Shadi Nazarian et une centaine d'étudiants en architecture de l'Université de Buffalo ont imaginé des concepts d'habitats minimaux en contreplaqué. Autant de volumes accolés les uns aux autres pour former un "mur vivant".

"100 first year students in the Department of Architecture at the University at Buffalo are developing proposals to design and construct a minimal dwelling unit that they will occupy for a period of 24 hours. Each unit must accommodate an entrance, internal circulation, and sleeping areas for a minimum of three people. Individual units are placed adjacent to one another and share boundaries thus creating a party wall condition between adjoining structures where unique structural and programmatic conditions might begin to evolve.

Once transported to the site projects will be reassembled and assume their final position as a linear community of buildings, titled the Living Wall. The students will have a unique opportunity to spend a 24-hour period in their structures after they are reassembled on site. This experience will enable the students to better understand the consequences of their decisions and to explore the successes and shortcomings of their structures.

The proposed structures that you see on exhibit have been studied at progressively larger scales and various modes of representation. They will ultimately be constructed at full-scale and transported to the Griffis Sculpture Park (Located in Cattaraugus County between Ashford Hollow and East Otto) where they will remain on display through October 23, 2010."

Photographies: The Living Wall on Flickr

Pour en savoir plus, visitez le blog The Living Wall

Book des Lauréats des MIAW


d'architectures en kiosque

couv dec 2024STE


Coup de coeur !