A Leeuwarden aux Pays-Bas, au milieu d'un champ de blé, le Studio Makkink & Bey a réalisé l'observatoire Vijversburg VI. Propice au repos, ce petit abri est fait d'une structure en bois rempli de paille. Le déchet du blé, matière première cultivée sur le site, sert ainsi de matériau de construction, stocké dans des caisses empilées.

Sur l'Observatoire Vijversburg VI, le Studio Makking & Bey précise:

"Every solution already exists in the world surrounding us. It is only a matter of recognizing it and converting it to something useful. This principle was put to practice by the studio at Vijversburg VI. They worked the land, plough it, sown wheat.  The land offers the raw materials for both our food as for the building, which is made out of straw (waste product of wheat) stored in crates which are stacked. The result is a new type of framework-like construction. Like the other follies on the estate it is suitable to repose in.  A view on the pasture offers a surprise, in the field of grain the letters 'Brinta' can be seen. The circle is closed: The wheat gives an oath to the well-known breakfast-product with which generations have grown up."

Photographies: Aly van der Mark

Découvrez également d'autres projets du Studio Makking & Bey.

Source: Architecturenewsplus

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