L'agence d'architecture Antonini-Darmon vient de livrer le M3A2, un bâtiment de bureaux pour l’Université Paris Diderot dans le XIIIème arrondissement. Fine et élancée, cette tour abrite les  locaux associatifs et culturels de l'université et se dresse dans l'angle Sud-Ouest de la Halle aux Farines récemment restructurée par l'architecte Nicolas Michelin. Entre les deux constructions, une faille, un espace en tension souligne l'indépendance du neuf et de l'existant et élance un peu plus la silhouette de la tour.



Sur ce projet, l'agence Antonini-Darmon précise:

" The buildings of the cultural and community premises of Paris Diderot University fit into the undeveloped, southwest area of the Flour Market which was recently converted by Nicolas Michelin and Associates Agency. A break between the Flour Market and the new building is preserved. It respects the existing building and accentuates the slenderness of the tower. The two, independent buildings coexist completely. The signal-like extension stands out of its context by means of its evolving shape. It is a sensitive, delicate object, treated simply to avoid rivalry with the strong presence of the Flour Market. On the contrary it acts as a light, gravitational counterpoint. An architectural dialectic and emulation come into play much like a castle and its keep, both intrinsically inseparable."

Photographies: Luc Boegly

Pour en savoir plus, visitez le site de l'agence Antonini-Darmon.

Book des Lauréats des MIAW


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couv dec 2024STE


Coup de coeur !