Artiste danois basé à Copenhague, Steen Ipsen créé des sculptures en céramique. Organique et parcourue de fins liens, sa série "Tied-Up" est présentée parmi une sélection de ses créations à la Galerie NeC Nilsson et Chiglien jusqu'au 16 octobre 2010.

Dans le cadre de la 44ème Assemblée générale de l'Académie Internationale de la Céramique, Ateliers d'Art de France organise le parcours "Circuits céramiques" rassemblant 40 galeries et centres culturels ainsi que la Cité de la Céramique de Sèvres et les Arts Décoratifs. A cette occasion la Galerie NeC Nilsson et Chiglien, 20 rue des Coutures Saint Gervais 75003 Paris, présente jusqu'au 16 octobre 2010 les créations de Steen Ipsen.

Sur son travail, Steen Ipsen précise:

"I have chosen to work with the ceramic idiom. Particular the sculptures, who are built up in themes and variations. Elements of form are repeated and combined and end up as unique objects. The works are structured and constructed following certain rules where I want to show the relation between methodical and chaotic, simple and complex.

I work in a decorative ceramic expression involving both form and decoration. Decoration is integrated into the form and the form itself is spatially decorative. The sculptures could also be supplied with other materials but ceramics is central to my work.

A measure of randomness and irregularity has found its way into my works over the years. The shapes are turning extreme and extravagant and are still made up of repetitions and combinations of elements. I seek an intuitive sensuous abundance together with a tight and exacting sense of form in a formal language that has deep roots in modernism.

In my works I seek to obtain a powerful organic but also a clear graphic expression with sensual undertones that invite the viewer into a quick flirt.

I draw inspiration from architecture and design and from the city-life but also from the primitive force - the present and the future."

Pour en savoir plus, visitez le site de Steen Ipsen.

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