Depuis la démolition du centre sportif de "La Latina", se trouve une grande esplanade laissée vacante en plein de cœur de Madrid. Rapidement, les habitants du quartier ont créé le collectif "El Campo de la Cebada", qui vise à protéger cet espace de rencontre et de partage, d’expression artistique et de liberté. Voué à se transformer en centre commercial luxueux, le lieu a récemment accueillit une performance des designers et artistes contestataires de Luzinterruptus.

En hommage aux personnes, aux activités, au lieu, le collectif a réalisé une installation faite de préservatifs remplis d’eau colorée, une pluie qui ne mouille rien, comme pour souligner la rupture entre la vie d’un quartier et les enjeux politiques.


Sur cette installation, Luzinterruptus précise:

In the month of May we returned to Campo de la Cebada a to carry out an installation. We were reminded of our experience with the pool made from recycled packaging of the previous year and we arrived with the same spirit of sharing a day of work and fun with the inhabitants of the space.

Water has brought us to this space once again, formerly occupied by a public swimming pool and which since two years ago serves as a public square for neighbors and artists who work in an unselfish way to bring it to life. Unfortunately, political will it will soon turn it into a luxury and leisure market for tourists with lots of purchasing power, removing it from the sports use that the neighborhood needs so much, which has been reduced to a minimum and is certainly far above the economic means of the residents of the area.

In this context, we wanted to carry out our interactive installation Prophylactic rain that doesn’t wet anything, with which we intended to leave a little lighted water in memory of former uses, this time we wanted to do it with drops of water falling on the deteriorated remnants of cement.

To give them shape we used condoms, yes, condoms, extra large and extra strength, to which we added blue colored water, to turn them into big drops, with feel and form of silicone breasts, very pleasant to touch and squeeze. With them we created a square space, delimited by suspended droplets in which one could immerse themselvesand touch them, listening to the gentle sound of the moving water. Thanks to the magic of light and water, we were able to convert 800 common condoms, into a sensory and relaxing refuge, suitable for all audiences.

For a day we worked on the installation, aided by both children and the not so young, who approached attracted by the tempting “balloons” and who ended up happily integrating themselves into a production line in which each was responsible for a part of the process.

The youngest of our helpers thought they were making water balloons that would then serve to throw at each other, the slightly older kids were wondering about the strange shape and were excited about touching them and playing with them trying to make sure they did not slip out of their hands, the adults were laughing mischievously and could not stop themselves from pinching the surface and touching them with pure delight.

After the first few minutes of jokes and laughter had passed, everyone ended up accepting that manipulating condoms was like any other activity of daily life, and that, ultimately, was what we wanted to achieve through all of this.

We left the installation throughout the night of Saturday, without knowing exactly what would happen the next day when there was a celebration in La Cebada. When we returned on Sunday afternoon, we discovered that the children had not been able to resist the temptation of having fun, playing with the installation as if it were a piñata with shiny surprises in its interior.

They had had a delirious celebration, in which a child with long stick broke open the drops, surely a rather complicated task, as the condoms were truly resistant, while others, smaller ones scurried in search of the lights that fell out with the rush of blue colored water."

Pour en savoir plus, visitez le site de Luzinterruptus

Book des Lauréats des MIAW


d'architectures en kiosque

couv dec 2024STE