Avec cette série, le designer coréen Kwangho Lee entremêle et tresse des tubes de PVC souples pour créer des fauteuils, des canapés et de petits éléments de mobilier.

Sur ce projet, Kwangho Lee précise:

"I was raised up in the far country side in my early childhood and moved closer in the outskirt of the big city in a farmland. As I grew up in the farm, my habit of building and making things with my hands was very natural and I’ve become to earn for a greed-less life. These humble childhood experiences and memories have given, and are still giving, great influences in my hand-crafted works. I dream of producing my works like a farmer patiently waiting to harvest the rice in autumn after planting the seed in spring."

Pour en savoir plus, visitez le site de Kwangho Lee.

Sources: La Revue du Design et Kwangho Lee

Book des Lauréats des MIAW


d'architectures en kiosque

couv dec 2024STE


Coup de coeur !