Le designer grec Alexander Xanthakis nous fait découvrir sa chaise "7.11 €/kg". Simple à produire, résistante et peu coûteuse, elle utilise un minimum de matière. Sa structure se compose de 5 tubes d'acier cintrés et accolés, se rigidifiant les uns les autres. Actuellement en phase prototype, elle devrait entrer prochainement en production.

Sur la "7.11 €/kg Chair", Alexander Xanthakis précise:

"Economical situation push young designers like me to think humbly in order to succeed. There is no money to spend in expensive furniture today, at least in Greece where I live. In order to sell my design, without notoriety, the object has to be simple, strong and affordable. My assignment was to think a chair combining strength and elegance, with less material and less production labor, minimal because it has to be. This model will be soon in production; it has been mechanically tested to support more than one tonne of charge. Five bended pieces of steel soldered together, one consolidating the other.

After the sudden and quite unexpected popularity of the “7.11Kg/Eur” chair on several design blogs. I have to get clearer. 7.11 euros per kilogram (79.99 euros in total) is the mass production cost that I aim since the project started. It’s the value of a crude steel chair, the moment when mounted pieces of material become furniture. This number has guided and constrained the conception until the minimal and permitted me to create an affordable object. In order to be transparent concerning quality and costs of my product, I will illustrate the different stages during all the production process."

Pour en savoir plus sur la chaise "7.11 €/kg", visitez le site d'Alexander Xanthakis.

Book des Lauréats des MIAW


d'architectures en kiosque

couv dec 2024STE


Coup de coeur !