A Vienne, l'agence Slovène IDFL vient de livrer les nouveaux bureaux du journal quotidien Der Standard.

Ce projet, qui mêle architecture, architecture d'intérieur et création de mobilier module et organise l'espace de travail en tenant compte des besoins et particularités de  fonctionnement d'une rédaction. La grande salle est jalonnée de petits modules intimistes et colorés, propices à la détente ou aux réunions informelles, loin de l'agitation de l'actualité. 

Sur ce projet, l'agence IDFL précise:

"A newsroom requires high quality office in terms of it’s space and function since it serves as a center for receiving and generating story ideas and then transforming them into the daily newspaper issues and digital news applications.

Designing Der Standard's new newsroom is based on the idea of fluidity and focal point, which is integrated in the layout throught the recognisable space design on the organisational level, upgraded with furniture design and colour system throughout the whole office space.

The design concept of rays, which all gravitate to the main point in a space, a big meeting room, where in the process of creating the news, all ideas and decisions are discussed, establishes the strong space orientation within the newsroom. Through the space design process and colour-use approach, the main meeting room, as a focal point, is highlighted in the office. To enable the fluent work flow and to meet the functional requirements for quick exchange of informations and undisturbed communication within the newsroom, special meeting points are created. They are situated between workplaces as a part of a working area or along the main communication routes as a special meeting elements.

Within furniture design new furniture elements were designed / top module elements on top of cabinets, meeting clubs, meeting tables / to emphasise the diversity of the space and to increase functionality of standard work place furniture / table, chair, rolling container, cabinet / thus enabling fluent work flow and with it’s colour concept establishing the connection with Der Standard’s identity.

Der Standard is related to two main colours. Both are integrated in the basic colour system, upgraded to the colour scheme which emphasises Der Standard's editions, paper and digital applications. Colours from basic colour system apply to architectural and furniture elements to create identity and connect the elements in the office space.

High quality office, as a final result, is reinstalling everyday consciousness about the company and increases one's enjoyment at the workplace."

Photographies :  Iztok Lemajič et Virginia Vrecl

Pour en savoir plus, visitez le site de l'agence IDFL.


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