Avec son chandelier "Cut Glasses" composé de verres à pied et le modèle "Lego" constitué des célèbres petites briques du même nom, John Harrington Design nous propose des luminaires originaux, spectaculaires ou ludiques.

"Cut Glasses Chandelier: This chandelier has its roots in the past but its heart in the present. Available as a single drop of 150 glasses (150+1) or double drop of 300 glasses (the +1 refers to John himself being the final craftsman who has brought together generations of others to create a truly unique work)."

"LEGO Chandelier: The desire for a focal piece in the hotel bedroom that would sit comfortably in the Victorian building but would give the youth and vigor of a contemporary clientele gave rise to the Lego Chandelier."

Pour en savoir plus sur les créations de John Harrington Design, c'est ici.

Source: Design Milk

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